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How Reverse Osmosis Is Helping Purify Las Vegas Water

Water purifer

Las Vegas is a popular city known for its shopping, fine dining, entertainment and nightlife. While Sin City continues to be a popular tourist destination, many of the city’s residents are concerned about its water quality. Some complain about hard water in their homes, others worry about potential contaminants lurking in their water. Fortunately, reverse […]

The Ins and Outs of Reverse Osmosis: Purifying Water Simply and Effectively

RO System

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that might sound complex, but fear not! Let’s break down the ins and outs of reverse osmosis in simple terms, helping you understand how this technology works and why it’s essential for producing clean and safe drinking water. Reverse osmosis (RO) is a powerful water purification process […]

Top Five Reasons Reverse Osmosis is the Best Option for Water Purification

Reverse Osmosis is the Best Option for Water Purificatio

As our population grows and climate patterns shift, access to safe and clean water becomes increasingly important. Unfortunately, tap water may contain a range of impurities, such as chemicals, dissolved solids, bacteria, etc which can cause various health issues. This is where water purification systems come in! Among various methods, reverse osmosis is considered the […]

Reverse Osmosis Solutions for Drinking Water Purification

Reverse Osmosis

Clean and pure drinking water is a fundamental right, but not all sources are created equal. That’s where a reverse osmosis system comes in. It is a simple yet highly effective way to purify water, making it safe to drink and use for a variety of household and industrial applications. What is Reverse Osmosis & […]

What is Pink Slime and How to Manage it


Pink slime, the residue stain commonly found in your sink, is caused by an airborne bacterium known as Serratia Marcescens. A common misconception about the bacterium is that it is believed to be caused by mold, but that is not the case. The bacterium can be found worldwide as it grows in an environment with […]

How Hard is Your Water, And Why Does It Matter?

What Makes Water “Hard?” Your water is hard when it has minerals dissolved in it. Usually, these minerals are a combination of Calcium and Magnesium.  An old way of describing how much hardness there is is to use “grains per gallon.”  If you had five grains per gallon (gpg) and pulled out all the minerals, […]

Tech-Assisted Water Conservation Empowers New Generation

Global Water Crisis There can be an overwhelming sense of helplessness when it comes to our global water crisis.  I know a couple who recently got back from Las Vegas.  The husband chuckled at his wife who was obsessed with keeping all the lights off in their room when they were not there.  (The tour […]

Is Your Water the Best It Can Be?

Why You Should Test Your Water Supply Contamination Concerns It seems that everyday there is a new story about public water systems being contaminated with hazardous materials of one sort or another.  The state of our country’s infrastructure is crumbling due to age, overuse, and lack of maintenance.  Even folks with private water wells are at risk […]

Drink More Water!

By Diana M The other day, I deceived myself into thinking that I could kick my brain into high gear with caffeine.  I thought I could concoct a home blend of high test mocha java honey goodness, drink it down and all the magic would happen.  Once my senses were ramped up, I’d be totally […]

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