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Do You Have Dry Skin? Is It the Weather or Your Water?

With the cold weather upon us, many people will begin to suffer from #DrySkin.  Before spending a fortune on lotions to treat the dry skin, consider ways to prevent dry skin this winter season.  Follow the link below to a great article that explains how your water may be the cause of your dry skin.

Water Contaminant: Lead

You’ve probably already heard that Lead is a toxic metal that you don’t want in your drinking water.  Interestingly, the connection between Lead and water delivery goes back to at least Roman times.   In fact, the Latin word for Lead is plumbum, which gives us the chemical symbol Pb, as well as the words “plumbing,” […]

What’s in Your City Water Supply? Part 2

In my previous blog, I explained how city water is typically treated and posed the question, what is still left in the water after it has gone through the city’s water treatment process? Let’s start with a big concern for some people, bacteria. For the most part, all cities add chlorine to disinfect the water, […]

Standards for Bottled Water vs. Standards for Tap Water

“The elephant in the room” is probably one of the most overused phrases in the last several years. It is basically meant to call attention to an impending situation which we know is looming but choose to ignore in the hope that it goes away. A current example of this elephant is the overall health […]

Great Tasting Holiday Meals Start With Quality Water

Even with modern conveniences such as microwaves, automatic bread makers and convection ovens, cooking can consume a lot of time and effort in the kitchen.  However, a simple solution can make a difference in the taste and appearance of prepared foods-quality water. Most people who own drinking water systems use them strictly for drinking purposes.  […]

Beauty Secret…The Missing Link

Want to lose weight, have better skin and hair in the new year?  Drink more water. Water should become your best friend.  It not only does wonders for your looks; it could be the missing link to your weight loss!  In fact, water will make you look younger.  By flushing out all the impurities in your […]

The Water Conditions in Ethiopia, Part Two

While in Ethiopia in August to learn more about what they do about drinking water, I visited the Debre Damo Monastery.  About 1,600 years old, it is situated on a flat-topped outcropping of solid rock. The only way in or out is by climbing a sheer cliff using a 15 meter rope made from woven rawhide. The […]

Is drinking water your home’s only water safety concern?

As water treatment professionals, most of our time is spent thinking about improving the quality of either drinking water or working water. (Working water is water used for cleaning, washing clothes, cars, dishes etc.) For drinking water, we often focus on aesthetics and health concerns, and for working water we typically just focus on the […]

The Water Conditions in Ethiopia, Part One

In August, I was able to visit northern Ethiopia to look at some of the drinking water issues.  As you might guess, there are many, ranging from polluted water to almost no water at all.  That made it interesting to discover the inhabitants of Adwa and Aksum rely on a reservoir.  The reservoir water is […]

Pea Soup: Algae Blooms, Cyanobacteria, and Other Nasty Things in the Water

Given the fact that many of us are deep in the throes of “Old Man Winter” the following has probably been forgotten and is not currently on our radar—for now! The threat of what occurred last summer could again, and probably will be a reality. Photo Credit: Jeff Reutter Last August something happened to us […]

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