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The Hidden Consequences of Hard Water on Hair and Skin

Hard Water

In Florida, hard water is a common issue due to the state’s geology and high limestone content in the soil. Hard water contains high levels of calcium and magnesium salts. The effects of hard water can vary, but some common issues include reduced efficiency of water-using appliances, difficulties with cleaning, staining of fixtures and clothing, […]

How Will My Holiday Meals Taste Better with Clean Water?

Happy thanks

The holiday season is upon us, and that means it is time to start inviting family and friends to our holiday get-togethers and deciding what food we are going to serve (even if our tables are a little more social distanced than past years). Many of our favorite holiday menu items rely on water for […]

Four Fascinating Thanksgiving Water Facts

Americans use a lot of water preparing their Thanksgiving feast

As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, Americans are busy preparing the perfect feast and deciding who to include on their guest list. While turkey and football will always be the main stars of the show, many people may not realize that water also plays a key part in the annual Turkey Day festivities. These fascinating water facts […]

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