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Kinetico water softeners

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through its Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has recently issued several news releases that continue to reinforce worries about our fresh water supply.  In a May 8th release they confirm that “Across most of the West, snowpack isn’t just low, it’s gone” and

Kinetico water softeners

Time really does fly when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Over the last year, we have tried to bring you posts that help you understand, value and respect life’s most vital resource: water. We know some of you have been with us from the very beginning, and we’re really grateful

Kinetico water softeners

Once people learn what water softeners can do to improve water quality, they often ask specific questions about the regeneration process. One of the most common topics is how the softener knows when to regenerate itself. Let’s examine two major categories of water softeners, time-initiated and demand-initiated. Time-Initiated Regenerating a

Kinetico water softeners

Why you should consider water softeners in Tampa? Water softeners in Tampa are investments that pay for themselves very quickly. Little maintenance is required. Salt, that is relatively cheap, needs to be added occasionally. Water softeners are needed to remove or lessen mineral content found in hard water. Clothing and

Kinetico water softeners

A common concern among homeowners is the appearance of a white film on water using appliances and fixtures and etching of glassware. Most often, the culprit is calcium and magnesium, otherwise known as hardness, which can easily be treated with ion exchange. But in some cases, even with this type

Kinetico water softeners

Another spring is here, a time of change and wonderment. The landscape changes, the types of birds one sees and the songs they sing change. Everything seems to burst with renewed life, including some water supplies! For well water users and some municipally supplied water users, a change in weather

Kinetico water softeners

Тhе Bеѕt Saltless Water Softener For Well Water Foг any well water issuе, the tеam at Kwater will hаррily assist you with аnу оf your well wateг problems. By offегіng a custom solution that caters to еаch individual well watеr problem, Kwater’s highly trained stаff is the go to sоlutіon.

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